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It’s a useful kit of 4 pocket-size aromatherapy inhalers, each a carefully blended remedy for an everyday health problem.

ALERT to boost your physical energy and jumpstart brain power

RELAX to gently relieve occasional stress, anxiety, and tension

SLEEP to combat insomnia while allowing you to wake up alert 

SUPPRESS for better appetite control and faster digestion

The Variety Pack is a fun, creative way to introduce yourself to the benefits of aromatherapy. Non-habit forming, all 4 of these essential oil formulas are 100% safe.

It’s easy. Inside each inhaler there is a cotton spine soaked in pure essential oils. Just unscrew the cap, place the inhaler below one nostril and then the other, inhaling once or twice on each side.

AnswerAromatherapy is an ancient healing art. It is based on the idea that illness and upset happen when unhealthy behaviors or environmental contaminants disrupt the body’s natural balance. Aromatherapy uses essential oils (extracted from blossoms, leaves, barks, or roots) to restore that balance, in the body and the mind.

As the name suggests, you inhale the aroma of an essential oil (or a blend of oils) to correct an occasional physical or emotional imbalance. French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse coined the phrase in the 1930's.  He found that essential oil vapors enter the lungs when they’re inhaled, and then make their way into the bloodstream. During inhalation, they also strike tiny olfactory nerve receptors inside the nose. These receptors take them directly to the limbic system – the part of your brain that controls metabolism, stress responses, and mental activity.

Yes, some do. In fact, researchers and doctors have been using aromatherapy for nearly a century.  In the very early 1920’s, for example, Italian scientists documented the power of essential oils in destroying harmful bacteria. During the 1940's, French physician Dr. Jean Valnet successfully used essential oils to disinfect and heal war injuries. More recently, reputable studies have shown that inhalation aromatherapy can help in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and overeating.

Essential oil of basil (in ALERT) and marjoram (in SLEEP) should not be used in large amounts during pregnancy. If you are expecting a baby and want to use the products, check first with your doctor or midwife. Also, people with asthma and other respiratory ailments should start by using very small amounts of any essential oil. Then gradually increase if no adverse reaction occurs. Finally, children under 5 should not use aromatherapy.

Generally essential oils do not interfere with prescription medication. But it’s always wise to check with your doctor before adding any new remedy to your health regimen.

Have questions or concerns not covered above? We’re here to help. Feel free to call us anytime, toll free, at 1-800-576-7616.

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